My new friend from A Reader's Journal recently awarded my first blog award, to which I say, why thank you!
In return, here are the rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award":
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
My awards go to:

Diane of Bibliophile By the Sea
Nina of J'adorehappyendings
Lucy of Enchanted by Josephine
Virginie of Virginie Says
Alyce of At Home With Books
Veens of Giving Reading A Chance
Wanda of A Season To Read
Esme of Chocolate & Croissants
Heather of Cerebral Girl in a Redneck World
Mel of He Followed Me Home...
Angie of Angieville
Lizzy of Historically Obsessed
Amanda of The Zen Leaf
Bella of A Bibliophile's Bookshelf
She Reads and Reads
Alright! That's all for now...

Congrats and thanks for thinking of me :)
Congratulations on your award! Thank you for passing it on to me. I love your header. Every time I see it I think about rearranging my books by color (but then stop myself because I have a hard enough time finding my books as it is).
Thank you for the award, and thanks for letting me know that the previous blogger passed it to me, too. I'm not familiar with that blog (ugh, I feel so guilty!), and the blogger never came by to tell me they left it for me.
You are so sweet:) Thank you so much- and Congratulations to you too!
Congrats and thanks for thinking about me :) This made my day!
Ah Thank you it is such a pretty award too! You are too sweet. Great giveaway I loved Pope Joan such a good read.
Congrat with the award and thank you for giving it to me! :)
Amanda...thanks so much for thinking of me. Your blog is so attractive. Have fun blogging.
Congratulations!! That first award is soooo exciting!!
Congrats and thank you for thinking of me.
Thanks everybody!
Congrats on your first blog award and thank you so much for passing it on to me!
Aww, thank you! And right back atcha!
wow! You deserve the award :)
And thank u so much for giving it to me :) I will definitely give it to u too!
Can you tell I'm a little behind with posting comments on other people's blogs? :)
Thankyou for the award! Such a pretty award too, and you definitely deserve, I <3 your blog.
Congratulations, Amanda and thank you for thinking my blog worthy of this lovely award!
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