by Mara Rockliff
illustrations by Vincent X. Kirsch
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Jan. 27, 2015)
Informational Picture Book
A picture book biography about a forgotten hero of the American Revolution who rose to the occasion and served his country, not with muskets or canons, but with gingerbread!
Why You'll Love It:
- Rockliff’s dialogue-laden text is accessible, even humorous at times.
- Author Rockliff includes a recipe for gingergread at the end of the book, offering options for different skill levels.
- Kirsch pays careful attention to mirror the narrative in his book design and illustration. The interior art is made up of layered paper cut outs in primary colors, with white edging that mimics traditional gingerbread decoration.
Who Should Read It:
Great for grades 2-5...or any grade that specifically studies the American Revolution.
What Else You Should Read:
- Thomas Jefferson: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Everything by Maira Kalman
- Dear Mr. Washington by Lynn Cullen
- Henry and the Cannons by Don Brown